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My favorite thing about Christmas is the Christmas lights!! I love them! We had ours up before Thanksgiving!!!!
DECEMBER 25! That is the lucky day! CHRISTMAS!! birthday!! yaya! Merry Christmas everyone! Also remember to be grateful for everything that you have because so many people are less forchant than you. So give. Don't think about all the receiving! This is a time for joy not only for you but everyone. Everyone wants to recieve something from Santa.
I am know how many, on Christmas!! Santa better bring me a cake!! I am so excited! Ya'll better call me and wish me a happy birthday, o and decorate my locker. haha!
yay! i will decorate your locker! i call decorating it! so wut is your locker com? hehe!
dont go posting ur com on the internet... cuz then all the guys that like you will break in and leave u roses and money and Luv notes:D
or maybe you should post, even better, slip random scraps of paper into their binders...
JK dont do that i think im going to:D
lol. random. its amazing the things i do to procrastinate homework.
k, to get the christmas tree thing theres a link underneath it in my blog or go to
i will help you add a blog people thing...... idk how to put the thing in the corner, kylee put my backround on for me.... (if you read this ky, thanks :-) umm, ask her... or we can try to figure it out... i am way excited for christmas too! and your birthday! we need to hang out soon... and how do you want your locker to look? jk lol!
k so... you go to , then click on the christmas tab (its red at the top) then click on christmas gift toy.
then enter a username and email and password (its signing u up for an account) then click get this toy. then click get this toy and copy the html code(its buy grade the code) then come to blogger and go to layout. then at the bottom there is a long strip that says add a gadget. click on that, then scroll down till you find html. then paste the code u got from pyzam into it. save it and it should be at the bottom of ur blog!!!!!
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