MyfavoritethingaboutChristmasistheChristmaslights!!Ilovethem!We hadoursup before Thanksgiving!!!!
DECEMBER 25! That is the lucky day! CHRISTMAS!! birthday!! yaya! Merry Christmas everyone! Also remember to be grateful for everything that you have because so many people are less forchant than you. So give. Don't think about all the receiving! This is a time for joy not only for you but everyone. Everyone wants to recieve something from Santa.
I am know how many, on Christmas!! Santa better bring me a cake!! I am so excited! Ya'll better call me and wish me a happy birthday, o and decorate my locker. haha!
My favorite animal! LOVE HORSES! And my dog...well I love dogs!
Lemonade is the best....doesn't that just make your mouth water? I love it!
I am a gymnast and love it....sometimes!!
I love harry potter! I love the trio and Harry.....aka daniel radicliffe!!
I love Roxy!
My top 3 favorite lotions! 1. Japanese Cherry Bloosom
2. Sensual Amber
3. Coconut lime Verbena
Cheddar Chex Mix is the best! I have a lot of good memories with it too...haha!
I love boating....espacially in Lake Powell! Well lake Powell is my favorite! House boats are the best too!
Again I love Lake Powell! This picture offically isn't me but I LOVE CLIFF JUMPING! It is a blast! I have pictures but my friend hasn't sent them to me yet.
So techinacally I love country! If I put all of my favorite artists then you would be looking at a MILLION pictures! I LOVE COUNTRY! I love Taylor Swift!
Carrie Underwood....LOVE HER!
I love Camera's and taking pictures!
I love Christmas, A.K.A. my birthday!
Okay I am going to stop now....I could go on FOREVER!
I live: In a house I am: a gymnast I think: I am in love I Know: that everyone makes mistakes! I want: to be able to drive already! I have: an amazing life! I dislike: spiderss, snakes, people that only care about themselves and people that think they are so cool! I miss: being little! I fear: tests! I feel: happy and worried! I hear: my music Ismell: the roast cooking! YUM! I crave: chocolate! I cry: when i get hurt, and don't believe in myself I usually: am never home! I search: for a better life! I wonder: what my future will be like I regret: putting things off I love: family, friends, animals, and more! I care: about my family, friends, and animals! I always: make new friends I worry: about the world, as it gets scarrier and scarrier and about what to say to people sometimes. I am not: a lier I remember: the funniest thing that happened to Ashley and me! I believe: in myself, my friends, and my family I sing: in the shower but not very good I argue: about things that happen between my friends and such I write: To much! I am going to get Carboltunnel! I listen: to country baby! I can usually be found: at school, or gym I am scared: getting new skills in gymnastics I need: a life...haha! to much gymnastics! Also more sleep (like kenzie) I forget: when things are due....not that much just sometimes. I am happy: when I make things I believed not possible and when I get hyper with my friends....o also I am happy for christmas to come!! I tag: Kylee, Sam, and Micaela...I don't know....who has done and who hasn't??!!
Micaela and I were eating oranges on Sunday and so I just told her to put it in her mouth because I wanted to take some pictures! So there were a couple! Iknow random!
I am a level nine gymnast! I love my friends. I really want to be able to remember my teenage years so I try to take alot of pictures with me and my friends! I am also really hardworking and love animals!