Yes I know!! I love these Teddy Bears! I got them for Christmas when I was a baby. The white one in the hosiptal because I was born on Christmas and the brown from a babysitter...when I was a baby. They were both for my birthday because it is on Christmas, so they mean a lot. I went up in the attic and got them!!!

Micaela and I by our tree. with our new outfits!
My first picture on my new camera! We were testing it out!
Haha!! My dad hates people taking picture of him...he never smiles! But he was kind of smiling and right when I went to take the picture he started this is how it turned out! I thought it was pretty funny so I kept it!

TRAVIS!!! It is his last Christmas with us for 2 years, because he is going on his mission. Boohoo!! But I am happy that he is going a mission, but still!! He got the dark night from Micaela and I am not sure what the other thing is! The dark knight is so good! BTW if you look on the right there is a part of my new suitcase!! I love it! I am so excited to use it, because I travel a lot for my gymnastiscs competitions! My old one literally fell apart!
Micaela and I got these sweatshirts from our mom. They are for our Gymnastics..of course! They have our names on the back to. Everyone on our teams got them too. The are for competiting, we have our team warmups but this are just nice and comfrotable as well!!
The candle I got my mom! She loves them!! I got it from Bath and Body Works. It is Cherry Blossom!
My Grandma Parkin!!
My Grandpa Parkin!
Yes!!! With my obsession with Harry Potter, my sister saw the Harry Potter calender and couldn't resist not getting it! So here is me with my Harry Potter calender! I am so excited!
I got my dad a new hat and beef jerkey...haha! I know I am an awesome shopper!!!
The bean I got Greg for Christmas. I know this isn't the best picture, but I was so excited that I was just snapping a ton of pictures!!!
My new hat!!! I love it! I know you can't see it that well, but you will as you see more pictures.

Micaela and I. I love this picture!
My new hat, pants, and shirt!! That is our amazing Christmas tree as well!! It is real!! It also has the world's best ornaments! They are pictures of us kids every know us getting older. The have the year as well. We have the ornaments of us when we were babies as well. And ones with bells with the year as well!!! It is awesome!
These are the pictures I took on Christmas! I didn't get any when we were opening our "Santa" presents. We really do our santa presents with p.j.'s and all!! I just didn't open this camera tell later. Then we do our family gifts and my birthday gifts later in the afternoon, after a trational breakfast! It is so yummy! My grandparents also come up.
This year I got: ihome, itunes cards, digital camera, new suitcase, abercrombie clothes and perfumes, slippers, twilight CD, Harry Potter calender, Sweatshirt, bean hat, gloves, new ski coat, socks, journal, make-up, beef jerkey, and that is about it!!! It was an awesome Christmas!